Sunday, January 27, 2013

Effecting Change- A Point to Ponder

Well this question really gave me a point to ponder.
 As a second year teacher I am just getting my feet wet.  I have to admit my main focus is on my classroom instructional practices.  With preparing lesson plans, implementing lessons, doing Walden work, and taking care of my family, I have not had the  time or the inclination to ensure that all 1300 students in my school are receiving high quality instruction.  Truthfully, I'm not sure I am qualified to make this judgement about my fellow science teachers.  I work with an amazing group of science teachers who are are highly qualified and who bring an immense amount of insight and creativity to the table.  As a whole, we meet regularly to share ideas and new information.  Recently, I shared with my school the results from my action research project. As I am introduced to new websites through Walden, I send all of my science colleagues the links. They often comment on how enjoyable the students have found these activities.
Looking forward I can see that I need to develop an action plan  that will help me to provide insight to the powers that be about the importance of high quality science instruction.

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