Sunday, February 12, 2012

Energy Transformation

This week my students are learning about energy and energy transformations.  To help my students understand this tricky concept I created different energy transformation experiment stations.  Each station demonstrated a different type of energy transformation.  Using the structures inquiry experience allowed my students the opportunity to discover some of the different ways that energy is transformed in our world.  My students were positively affected by this lesson because they were allowed to use their curious nature to discover a naturally occurring phenomenon.  To document their progress I checked out our school i-Pads and allowed the students to tape themselves while they were doing the lab.  For my blog this week I have included some of the video segments that the students took of themselves while they were performing the different labs.  Unfortunately, I am having a difficult time uploading the lab sheets that the students completed.  Once I am able to do this successfully, I will add it to my blog, sorry :(

 I think the work samples and the video will demonstrate my students’ engagement in the activity.  There work samples, I believe, will demonstrate their understanding of energy transformation.  The labs helped students to see how energy is transformed from one form to another.

Take a look below and see some of the student generated photos and videos.  I think they did a great job!!
Students created their own thermal energy experiment.

Hammer and Nail Experiment


  1. Energy is such a core science standard in my grade level. It seems like when we're learning about magnets, it's energy; electricity, energy. Having "centers" or "stations" is such a great way to explore various concepts. What were the energy concepts at the four stations?
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. (By the way, can you change the comment font color to black or did you put it as white on purpose?) :)

  3. Thanks Janie,
    I did not realize the comment font was white!

    The energy concepts that I showed above included:
    1- Sand Shaking Station - Energy of motion to thermal energy.
    2- Hanger Bending Station - Kinetic energy to thermal energy.
    3- Sun area v/s Shady area - Solar energy
    4 -Hammer and nail station - Energy of motion to thermal energy.


    1. Great, thanks for the information on each station. This is great work!

  4. Candace - School I-Pads? I am jealous!! Great structured lesson, I can tell your students were engaged by viewing your student samples. I also used a structured lesson, because I was nervous of what my students would create without any guided instruction first. Good Job!

    1. I agree, sometimes its a little unnerving to allow students to make up their own lesson. However, in this lesson there was one station where I provided the students with a variety of materials and I asked them to create their own lab (based on the problem). I had to carefully chose the students who worked at this station and I had to work closely with them.

  5. Candace,

    I love your blog and your lesson. I am impressed that you have videos and pictures, no need to apologize for lab sheets. It looked like your students were having a great time with this lab. Great Lesson!

    1. Thanks Cheryl,
      I have managed to scan some samples but, I left the jump drive at school :(. I'll get it done one day !!
